The Coach, Selen Yesilada
After going through a similar journey myself and helping others find clarity on their professional paths, I decided to make this exploration accessible to anyone who feels stuck or lost in their career.
🌵 Additionally, you are offered guided meditation sessions and suggested readings to further enhance your exploration.
The Coach, Selen Yesilada
After going through a similar journey myself and helping others find clarity on their professional paths, I decided to make this exploration accessible to anyone who feels stuck or lost in their career.
This guide is a distillation of months of my exploration during that period. I've brought together the most effective questions with my greatest insights and structured them in a simple manner. This way, you can attain the progress I made in months in a much shorter time and with less friction.
The Coach, Selen Yesilada
After going through a similar journey myself and helping others find clarity on their professional paths, I decided to make this exploration accessible to anyone who feels stuck or lost in their career.
“It boosted my positive mood, brought light to my inner self, and gave me courage and hope.”
“Every single day, journal content and questions were complemental. I have never felt or thought, ‘What should I write now?’”
“I think these questions are extremely helpful if you know how to be very honest with yourself.”
“I would honestly love to revisit this program and see how my answers change. I feel like I took this at the beginning of waking back up into my life, and the answers are still unfolding in front of me. I will carry that with me by continuing to see what I find.”
“I will definitely continue journalling and expressing my feelings. It is also good to know that whenever I feel lost, I can easily check what I wrote about those questions.”
The Coach, Selen Yesilada
After going through a similar journey myself and helping others find clarity on their professional paths, I decided to make this exploration accessible to anyone who feels stuck or lost in their career.
Brief explanation of the focus of the day’s journaling session.
Brief explanation of the focus of the day’s journaling session.
Handwriting session based on the day's question.
Typing out the takeaways from the day's exploration.
Brief reflection on the day's learnings.
Preview of the takeaways.
The Coach, Selen Yesilada
After going through a similar journey myself and helping others find clarity on their professional paths, I decided to make this exploration accessible to anyone who feels stuck or lost in their career.